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2023 Men's Retreat Information

"Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table"

Ages: 18+

Date:  September 29-30, 2023 (Friday-Saturday)

Time:  Friday Registration @ 4pm; Dinner @ 6pm; Session 1 @ 7pm                          Saturday session 8am to 4pm (Breakfast & Lunch provided)

            Download Agenda & Contact Information

Cost:  $100 for weekend ($85 if pre-registered by Sept 15); 

            $50 for Saturday only

           If you would like to attend, but need financial assistance, 

           sponsorships are available upon request; choose the

           "apply for fee sponsor" payment option on the registration form.

Facilitator:  Delbert Durfee

Sessions will address questions such as:


  • What if God isn’t who you think He is -- and neither are you?  

  • Do you think you should be further along in your Christian life than you are? 

  • Do you have “sin cycles” that you feel shackled to? 

  • Men can view their worth and importance as “less than” or “not there yet.”


Based on his newest book, "Don’t give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table", Louis Giglio expands on the bedrock Psalm of God’s love for us:  Psalm 23.  Have you noticed God sets a table for you in the midst of your enemies?  There are powerful reasons for this that will ground you in God’s truth learning how to defeat defeating lies about your value, worth and purpose.  There will be some video sessions and group discussion sessions.


In this retreat you will find good friends and learn to focus on a long obedience in one direction.  Gain confidence; enjoy who you are becoming.  Employ God’s word and stand firm.  Confident faith leads to a bold witness to your wife, kids, church and community!

Register Online

Men's Retreat Registration


Payment Options:

If you have chosen Mail Payment or Apply for Fee Sponsor, please choose "offline payment" and then "Pay now" in the checkout process. You will NOT be required to provide any payment information.

See you at the Men's Retreat!

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